Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm still surprised after all these years

Recently I have experienced a life event associated with work.  The event requires me to exercise my faith in God's ability to provided.  This past Sunday our pastor presented 2 excellent sermons on faith: "What Faith Knows" based on Mark 4:35-41 and "Faith by Example" from Luke 22:31-34.  These sermons were exactly what I needed at the moment.

I don't know why I'm surprised that God would speak through someone to provide words of comfort and encouragement.  I find I'm still surprised that God still speaks to me personally even after hearing so many beneficial sermons.  I'm sure others experience this surprise.

It is not surprising that God cares for each and every believer.  This is a characteristic of His being and nature.  His word clear states God is concerned about our well-being.  A classic example is Matthew 6:25-34.  What about God's provision for His people in the wilderness?  Think about it for at least a second: sandals that don't wear out, enough food to feed all the people provided each morning, and water from a rock.

I hope I never get to where I'm not surprised how God takes care of us.  I think that would be stop me from being thankful and appreciative of God's care.

Author's note: In case your interested in the major points of the 2 sermons. The sermon titles and point titles are from the pastor.  The wording is from my notes.

What Faith Knows  Mark 4:35-41
  • God cares - God cares about your daily "stuff"
  • God can - Deep faith knows God can handle "it"
  • God controls - Faith knows God is in control even if we don't
Faith by Example  Luke 22:31-34
  • Pray for another's faith - Jesus prayed for Peter
  • Encourage another's faith - Jesus encouraged Peter to strength others

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